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  • Weed The People

    Cannabis has been off-limits to doctors and researchers in the US for the past 80 years, but recently scientists have discovered i...
  • Run From The Cure - The Rick Simpson Story

    Who Is Rick Simpson? Rick Simpson is an engineer from Canada and the creator of the world’s most acclaimed medical cannabis prot...
  • Dad who says he treated cancer with cannabis oil to open foundation in Liverpool

    David Hibbitt, 33, was given a terminal diagnosis but claims he was saved with the help of class B drug. David Hibbitt A dad who...
  • Rick Simpson Hemp Oil (RSO)

    Hemp Or THC Oil is named after its eponymous creator, Rick Simpson, which we shorten to “RSO” is a marijuana extract often tou...
  • What is Rick Simpson Oil And How It Cures Cancer

    What Is Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)? RSO is a potent cannabis resin extract that is higher in THC levels than many other extracts. R...
  • Cannabis to Save my Life: A Woman's Fight for Medical Marijuana

    Marijuana as a cancer-fighting drug? Science says yes, federal law says no. Patricia Crone is caught in the life-and-death stand-o...
  • Alysa Erwin Cannabis Oil Remission from Malignant Astrocytoma

    What if Cannabis Oil Cured Cancer? As more stories like Alysa Erwin's become known, maybe medicinal marijuana will finally become ...
  • National Medical Cannaibs 2015 Unity Conference - Updates on Clinical Applications

    The National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference, held in 2015, was a significant event for the medical cannabis community. This co...
  • Jack Herer's the Emperor Wears No Clothes

    Jack Herer's "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" is a groundbreaking book that has had a profound impact on the cannabis industry and t...
  • Hemp - the Most Medicinal Plant in the World in Action

    In 2009, Rick Simpson gave an interview and everything was written down in detail. It can also serve as an FAQ! This interview exp...
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