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  • Graviola Can Cure Cancer

    Graviola or soursop, a fruit found in the tropical regions of South America, has been used for centuries for its numerous health ...
  • Benefits of Wheatgrass

    Popping up everywhere from juice bars to health food stores, wheatgrass is the latest ingredient to enter the limelight in the wo...
  • Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia): Everything You Need to Know

    Tongkat Ali Root Extract Powder is recognized as the most effective aphrodisiac, its main specification is 100:1,200:1, and ...
  • Gossypetin found in hibiscus may beat Alzheimer's disease

    A Cup of ruby red hibiscus tea not only warms the body in winter but also is known to boost the immune system, control blood press...
  • Cancer as a Parasitic Disease Zoom Talk Jeffrey Dach MD

    This talk was taken from Jeffrey Dach's book, available here:Cracking Cancer Toolkit,Using Repurposed Drugs for Cancer Treatment ...
  • Cannabis Oil for Acute Leukemia

    Cannabis Oil for Acute Leukemia, Case Report Highly Aggressive Acute Blastic Leukemia in 14 year old Girl In March 2006, P.K., a 1...
  • Case study: Remission of metastatic breast cancer may have been due to use of cannabis oil and magic mushrooms

    A small team of medical researchers from the U.K. and the U.S. has found that a cancer patient may have put her cancer into remiss...
  • Cristina Sanchez - Cannabis & Cancer (Presentation)

    Dr. Cristina Sanchez is a molecular biologist who has been involved in research on cannabinoids and cancer for over 10 years. Duri...
  • Over 100 Scientific Studies Agree: Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

    The healing properties of cannabis are nothing new. In ancient India, cannabis was used to treat ailments such as insomnia and pai...
  • New research holds promise for cannabis as treatment for Tourette’s syndrome

    Patients reported significant improvements in their quality of life and a reduction in their intake of prescription medicines. New...
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