Dad who says he treated cancer with cannabis oil to open foundation in Liverpool
This entry was posted on May 20, 2023
.David Hibbitt, 33, was given a terminal diagnosis but claims he was saved with the help of class B drug.

A dad who claims cannabis oil helped him fight terminal cancer is setting up a foundation in his name in Liverpool.
David Hibbitt was just 30 when he was diagnosed with bowel cancer that had spread around his body.
Chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy failed to rid him of the disease and David was given no more than two years to live in February 2014.
Now 33, his most recent scan did not detect any cancer – and David claims cannabis oil helped with this miracle recovery.
He is now setting up the David Hibbitt Foundation, to be based in Liverpool, which will offer advice to cancer patients and lobby on behalf of so-called alternative therapies.
David said: “They told me it was terminal and I felt it was pointless staying alive in that state.
“I started looking at alternative treatments on the internet and came across cannabis oil.”
He began taking daily doses of the class B drug in 2014 and chose to end his chemotherapy treatment six months later.
David said: “I was told if I quit chemo then I would have 12 months left. They said I’d have maybe two years if I stayed on the chemo.
“I didn’t feel like my body could take any more chemotherapy, but the cannabis oil gave me a better quality of life.

“In my opinion, the cancer definitely responded to it. It would be wrong to say it cured me, but it definitely helped me get over terminal cancer. Without it I don’t think I would be here now.”
Scans showed his tumours were shrinking in May 2014, but the prognosis remained bleak. He ended chemotherapy that August.
Amazingly, a body scan last year did not reveal any cancer and blood tests have all come back clear.
David has not been cured of the disease as the all-clear is usually not given by doctors for five or even 10 years, depending on the form of cancer.
Talking about his foundation, David said: “We will be offering support by allowing patients to come together to give help and advice to each other on different alternative remedies.
“There are lots of treatment the NHS doesn’t fund but I’m in favour of people having choice.
“Cancer patients should have as many facts as possible.
“I don’t want cannabis to be leaglised, it has ruined many families – but is should be available as a medication for those who want it.”
David, from Stoke on Trent, chose Liverpool as the base for his foundation as he has family ties to the area and wanted it to be based in a major city.
What do the experts think about cannabis as a cancer treatment?
Dr Amir Montazeri, a consultant clinical oncologist at Wirral’s Clatterbridge Cancer Centre who specialises in colorectal cancer, said: “There is currently no clear scientific evidence that cannabis or its extracts are a safe or effective treatment for cancer.
“The studies carried out so far have had a variety of results.
“We also know that cannabis can interfere with other cancer treatments and there are no checks or regulations governing the safety and quality of street drugs.
“Although we are always open to new treatments and research is ongoing, we would strongly advise people to discuss things with their own cancer team, other qualified healthcare professionals or recognised services such as Macmillan.”
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