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  • Cancer & the CB2 Receptor

    A compound in cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other leafy greens exerts anti-cancer effects through the end...
  • Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) Not Only For Cancer

    Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a cannabis concentrate made from the extraction of the trichomes and cannabinoids from the cannabis plan...
  • Medicinal Cannabis That Cured Cancer

    Medicinal cannabis has become a hot topic around the world due to its promising therapeutic benefits. It is essential to note tha...
  • Killing Cancer with Cannabis

    The Museum of Science welcomes David "Dedi" Meiri, PhD, a biologist and director of the Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Cannabino...
  • Can cannabis replace opioids?

    In 1995, the president of the American Pain Society called for pain to be added as a fifth vital sign evaluated and managed by ...
  • Cannabis (And CBD) Oil For PTSD Treatment

    Medical Cannabis And PTSD When people think of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), they often think of veterans. While our a...
  • Glaucoma and Cannabis

    Glaucoma is a complex and progressive disease that damages the optic nerve and leads to irreversible vision loss. The damage is of...
  • How To Extract The Medicinal Cannabinoids

    If you are a medical cannabis patient researching the benefits of medicating, it’s likely you have stumbled across an article or...
  • What are cannabis terpenes and what do they do?

    Cannabis contains more than 150 types of terpenes. Although most terpenes are present in only trace amounts, the more prominent o...
  • How Rick Simpson Oil is used to treat stage 4 cancer

    The latest research looks at cells related to lung, skin, breast, prostate, ovarian, colorectal, squamous cell skin, brain, Leukem...
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