Health Benefits of CBD Oil - Dr. Michelle Bean
This entry was posted on October 9, 2022
.“Health Benefits of CBD Oil” is a presentation given by Dr. Michelle Bean, DC at the Silicon Valley Health Institute on April 19, 2018.
Yes, in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells where they regulate a constant homeostasis! The Endocannabinoid System serves as a bridgeway between the body and the mind. By understanding this system we can begin to observe an apparatus which explains how states of consciousness can either promote health or disease. Google search CDB oil benefits with any health condition and you will be amazed!
If CBD oils have not served you in the past, we will present new advancements in specialized technology could prompt immediate results.
A scientific revolution has begun which promises to reclaim a very special ancient plant and restore balance throughout the earth’s living ecosystems. Emerging research is now reintroducing hemp, highlighting the various implications of its diverse constituents. Many people believe that hemp, in every form, can save the world through its thousands of potential applications! Of notable significance is Cannabidiol, or ‘CBD’, a non-psychoactive compound within hemp which is altering lives in seemingly miraculous ways.
Dr. Michelle Bean, DC is co-owner of Optimal Health and Fitness, a holistic health center that integrates Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Nutritional Ketosis, fitness and other modalities. She also co-leads an outdoor fitness boot camp, has a black belt in mixed martial arts, and loves to educate individuals on many aspects of health.
Tags: The Health Cure, Medicinal Cannabis, Rick Simpson, Run From The Cure, Cancer Cure, Cancer Cells, Cannabis, Marijuana, Cannabisoil, Forbidden Cure, Medicine, Cure all, Cannabinoids, CBD, Cannabidiol, Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Documentary, Testimonials, THC Oil Cures Cancer, Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer, Hemp Oil Cures Cancer, Endocannabinoids, Medical Cannabis, CBG, All-in 7 or 14 Days Treatment at The Health Cure Centre,