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  • Vaxxed

    In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
  • The Magical Power of 528 Hz

    The frequency of 528 Hz is often associated with healing and transformation. It have a variety of positive effects on the mind and...
  • Oneness - Journey of Awakening

    More and more people are on the journey of awakening, beginning to realize they are more than their body and personality. Oneness ...
  • The Need To Grow

    "The Need To Grow" is a 2019 documentary film that explores the urgent need for sustainable agriculture practices and the importan...
  • As She Is

    A modern and hauntingly beautiful documentary, As She Is explores the intimate nature of the human relationship to the Sacred and ...
  • Descending the Mountain

    What happens when you administer psilocybin to experienced Zen meditators? A neuroscientist and a Zen master carry out a double-bl...
  • Sensitive - The Untold Story

    A groundbreaking documentary about the innate trait of high sensitivity found in 20% of the population. Based on international bes...
  • Sacred Space and the Healing Power of Resonance

    Ancient temples and other sacred sites were designed to generate a unique resonant environment where the laws of nature are harnes...
  • Primed For Panic

    Primed For Panic is a feature length documentary that investigates the real life effects of the world wide lockdown and asks the q...
  • Africa, GMOs and Western interests

    Across Africa, lobbyists, philanthropists and businesspeople are working to open up the continent to GMOs. They argue that GMOs ca...
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