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You’ve seen What the Bleep and Down the Rabbit Hole, now take your journey into consciousness even deeper with the Ultra-Extended Quantum Rabbit Hole. In each episode we explore the science and spirituality of human consciousness and the very nature of our existence, with scientists and spiritual leaders from many walks of life. The perspectives that you gain on who you are and the impact you have upon the reality we share, will change you for the rest of your life. In fact, our future may depend upon it.

  • Down the Quantum Rabbit Hole - The Illusion of Separateness (Episode 3)

    As we slide even deeper down the quantum rabbit hole, we need to explore one of the strangest outcomes of quantum mechanics, the o...
  • Down the Quantum Rabbit Hole - Quantum vs. Classical Mechanics (Episode 2)

    No matter the spiritual or scientific perspective, reality is not what we thought it was. New discoveries in quantum mechanics tak...
  • Down the Quantum Rabbit Hole - What is Reality? (Episode 1)

    How much do you want to discover about your true nature? What is real? Is reality real? Are we even real? Some of the world’s be...

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