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Cannabis stops Parkinson

Cannabis Stops Parkinson

Cannabis stops Parkinson

Cannabis & Parkinson Disease
Tikun Olam - Medical Cannabis in Israel

Parkinson's is a disease that develops gradually, often starting with a barely noticeable tremor in one of invisible hands. The phenomenon of vibration is the best known marker of Parkinson's disease. Generally the disease or freezing causes a deceleration of movement.

Friends and relatives of the patient can see facial expressions frozen and expressionless, lack of hand movement when walking. the speech becomes softer and usually accompanied with a breath. The symptoms of Parkinson's are getting worse as the disease progresses.

More Information about Parkinson.

There is no cure for Parkinson's disease, however, many types of medications can help relieve your symptoms. In some cases, doctors recommend surgery.
Accompanying symptoms of Parkinson vary from person to person. Initial symptoms may be subtle, undetected, for months or even years.
The signs begin to appear first on one side of the body and always will be more severe on that side.

Symptoms of Parkinson's disease include:

Tremor - tremor characteristic most common Parkinson's disease usually begins in one hand, with the thumb rubbing motion from side to side, the forefinger, known as the "pill rolling".

In a large number of people with Parkinson's disease, there is NO appearance, significant and visible tremor.

Slowness of movement (bradykinesia). Over time, Parkinson's disease can reduce the ability to perform voluntary actions, that can transform simple, everyday activities in complex actions that take time. It is possible that when walking, the steps become shorter and accompanied with a shuffling. There may be a sense of paralysis in the legs, which prevents the first step.
Muscle rigidity. The muscle stiffness usually occurs in the limbs and neck. Sometimes the stiffness can be very serious, because it has the power to cause limitation of motion in space accompanied with pain.

Stooped posture and balance. Stability can be tilted as a result of Parkinson's disease. The imbalance also common, generally at a moderate level, at later stages as the disease progresses.
Loss of involuntary movement. Blinking, smiling and swinging your arms while walking are part of a variety of involuntary movements. In Parkinson's disease, these movements tend to be reduced and sometimes completely disappear. You may find some patients with Parkinson's disease, with glassy eyes, fixed and unblinking. Others seem frozen in facial gesture, and artificial as they move or speak.
Changes in speech. Most people with Parkinson's disease have difficulty with speech. Over time the voice becomes softer and monotonous rhythm. Swap of words and / or repeating words are phenomena that occur occasionally. These symptoms in patients awaken, doubt and insecurity to speak.
Dementia (dementia). In the advanced stages of Parkinson's disease, some patients may experience memory problems and partially lose its clarity. Alzheimer's drugs may help reduce some of these symptoms to a more moderate level.
Most of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease are a result of lack of dopamine receptor agonist direct D-1, D-2, b-1, this occurs when the cells responsible for the production of dopamine in the brain degenerate or die. Researchers still are not sure of what the cause, it does run this chain operations. Some researchers argue that genetic changes or environmental toxins influence the onset of Parkinson's disease.

The risks associated with Parkinson's disease are:

Age. Young adults tend to get sick rarely Parkinson. The disease usually breaks out in middle age and older, the level of risk increases with increasing age.
Inheritance. The risk of developing the disease increases in human beings who have a family member or more with Parkinson's disease, although the risk is still under 5 percent. Have recently found evidence indicating that there is a tissue of genes responsible for programming the brain structure and function.
Gender. Men are more likely to suffer from Parkinson's disease than women.
Exposure to toxins. Continuous exposure to products to kill weeds and insecticides against pests slightly increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's disease is often accompanied by other problems, including:

Sleep problems.
Trouble chewing or swallowing.
Urinary problems.
Sexual dysfunction.

Source: Youtbube
Posted By The Health Cure, March 29 2013

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