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  • Gossypetin found in hibiscus may beat Alzheimer's disease

    A Cup of ruby red hibiscus tea not only warms the body in winter but also is known to boost the immune system, control blood press...
  • Cannabis Oil for Acute Leukemia

    Cannabis Oil for Acute Leukemia, Case Report Highly Aggressive Acute Blastic Leukemia in 14 year old Girl In March 2006, P.K., a 1...
  • Studies Show Mantra Repetition Heals Body and Mind

    Sound affects both our consciousness and health in powerful ways. Dr. Shamini Jain, founder of the Consciousness and Healing Initi...
  • Healing with Lucid Dreaming

    Can we heal psychological trauma in our sleep? Lucid dreaming is a practice where you are aware that you are dreaming and may even...
  • Son Says Cannabis Oil Plays Role in Mother’s Mesothelioma Survival

    Lyubomir R. knows the history of malignant pleural mesothelioma, and he isn’t asking for a miracle — just a fighting chance fo...
  • Case study: Remission of metastatic breast cancer may have been due to use of cannabis oil and magic mushrooms

    A small team of medical researchers from the U.K. and the U.S. has found that a cancer patient may have put her cancer into remiss...
  • Medicinal cannabis in Spain: inside the country’s first ‘cannabis clinic’

    With draft regulations for the legalisation of medicinal cannabis in Spain expected imminently, we explore the existing grey marke...
  • Nearly 1/3 of People With Chronic Pain Turn to Cannabis

    Study reveals almost one-third of chronic pain patients use cannabis to help manage their symptoms. According to a new study publi...
  • Can This Ancient Healing Science Treat Inflammation?

    Scientists are exploring a new cellular approach to dealing with inflammation, proven to be at the root of most disease. Ayurvedic...
  • Using Fasting to Fight Cancer

    Researchers find that fasting may aid in shrinking cancerous tumors. Could fasting be a breakthrough cancer-fighting modality? Dr....
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