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A provocative look at the broken medical system in America and how our definition of health is skewed. This movie takes us through a journey into LIFESTYLE and teaches us basic things we can do every day that can enhance our health. The mechanistic model of a pill for an ill or replaceable body parts has proven to be ineffective and burdensome. Vitality is a look at how our bodies can thrive given the right inputs and habits. It is funny, punchy, and very informative. It teaches the viewer practical pearls while laying out out a model for healthcare that is sane and far less expensive than the one we have today.

Vitality is the future of medicine, and the world-renowned experts in this film show us the how and the why. It is more than merely the absence of disease - it is being able to live life fully and thrive.

Tags; The Health Cure, The Health Cure Netherlands, The Health Cure UK, The Health Cure France, RSO Oil, Medicinal Cannabis, Rick Simpson, Run From The Cure, Cancer Cure, Cancer Cells, Cannabis, Marijuana, Cannabisoil, Forbidden Cure, Medicine, Cure all, Cannabinoids, CBD, Cannabidiol, Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Seizures, Documentary, Testimonials, THC Oil Cures Cancer, Parkinsons, Tremors, Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer, Hemp Oil Cures Cancer, Endocannabinoids, Medical Cannabis, CBG, Skin cancer, Hemp-cream, THC Cream, healing paths, clinical healing, hypnosis and regression, The Health Cure since 2009, Ayahuasca Medicine, DMT, Shaman, Nature, Grounding, Earthing, www.thehealthcure.org, Dogs, Cats, Horses, All Pets, Endo cannabinoids System, Alzheimer, phoenix-tears, Liver Cancer Stage 4, Energy, Qi Gong, shaman, Sage, shamanic healing, Ayahuasca, Healing Plants, Grounding, MMS, Jim Humble, Miracle Mineral Supplement, Rewired, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gaia, Series, microdosing psilocybin, Mindfulness, Sleep, Plant medicine, Paleo Lifestyle, Qigong, Chinese Healing, Shamanism, Yoga, Yogic Path, Spiritual, Love, Ancient Knowledge, Pain, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition, Documentary,
Parkinson's, Placebo, Nervous System, Mind Body Healing, Quantum Leap, Nature Of Reality, Mind Body Healing, Subconscious Mind, Energy Healing, Life-force, Wellbeing, Love, Peace, Joy, Alive, Gaia, Ickonic, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Randy Veitenheimer, Sound of Creation, Geometry, Frequency, Medical Intuition, Sacred Power

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