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Grounding - The Grounded Documentary Film about "Earthing"

Grounding is a healing technique that includes performing activities that "ground you" or electrically reconnect you to the ground. This practice draws on the science of grounding and the physics of grounding to explain how electrical charges from the ground can have positive effects on your body.

Ground Therapy and Earthing products are Clint Ober's authentic, official grounding products were originally created for practitioners and health-conscious professionals to offer their clients an additional tool to support healthy living.

The Health Cure, Medicinal Cannabis, Rick Simpson, Run From The Cure, Cancer Cure, Cancer Cells, Cannabis, Marijuana, Cannabisoil, Forbidden Cure, Medicine, Cure all, Cannabinoids, CBD, Cannabidiol, Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Documentary, Testimonials, THC Oil Cures Cancer, Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer, Hemp Oil Cures Cancer, Endocannabinoids, Medical Cannabis, CBG, Skincancer, Hempcream, THC Cream, healing paths, clinical healing, hypnosis and regression, Energy Healing, The Health Cure since 2009, Ayahuasca Medicine, DMT, Shaman, Nature, Grounding, Earthing

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