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Video’s on the following topics: Education, Wisdom, Meditation, Motivation, Nutrition, Recipes. Paleo, Ayurveda and many other Health and Lifestyle topics.

  • David Wolfe: Detoxification — More Important than Nutrition

    David Wolfe talks about: The Unmentioned Longevity Discoveries of Science The Astonishing World of Carbon Charcoal, Activated Char...
  • Fly High Goji Berry Superfood Bonanza

    This drink combines two of my favorite superfoods: goji berries and cacao, with some other very powerful superfood ingredients to ...
  • Intuition & Real Nutrition with David Wolfe

    In this video you’ll discover: - How can we get our intuition back through ‘real’ food nutrition - If your diet is not fun, ...
  • The Welcoming: Coming Home with Michael Stillwater

    What if there were angels all around you, but you just didn’t see them? Music and healing pioneer Michael Stillwater invites you...
  • The End of Suffering - Invoking the Peacefulness

    Many people fight for peace. Many people wish for peace. But there are few people on the planet who have embodied peace as tireles...
  • The Stillness Is You: Whispering the Mystery with Deepak Chopra

    Have you ever tried to train a puppy? Our minds are like puppies, constantly reacting to things within and around us. When recordi...
  • Walk On: A Revelation on the Journey of Life with Jyoti

    Overviewing one’s life as a story creates a new perspective, allowing us to recognize our accomplishments and challenges, and co...
  • There is Only Us: Your Deepest Wisdom

    Are you looking for meaning externally instead of discovering your deepest wisdom? Ram Dass offers a short affirmational meditatio...
  • Love: Constant in the Universe

    How do we connect to love in every moment? With this short affirmatonal meditation, Ram Dass invites us to release pain, grief, an...
  • I Am: Divine Nature

    Contemplate the beauty of your life as it is. In this short affirmational meditation, Ram Dass invites us to connect with the high...
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