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Ayahuasca - Vine of the Soul

Can a sacred plant medicine from the Amazon heal our minds and spirits? In the heart of the jungle, a naturopathic doctor and an accountant experience life-altering epiphanies when they drink the psychoactive brew ayahuasca, the ‘Vine of the Soul’. This award-winning documentary explores the mystery of ayahuasca shamanism, offering insights into the nature of spirituality, mystical experience and self-healing discovered through an expanded state of consciousness.

Tags; The Health Cure, Medicinal Cannabis, Rick Simpson, Run From The Cure, Cancer Cure, Cancer Cells, Cannabis, Marijuana, Cannabisoil, Forbidden Cure, Medicine, Cure all, Cannabinoids, CBD, Cannabidiol, Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Seizures, Documentary, Testimonials, THC Oil Cures Cancer, Parkinsons, Tremors, Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer, Hemp Oil Cures Cancer, Endocannabinoids, Medical Cannabis, CBG, Skin cancer, Hemp-cream, THC Cream, healing paths, clinical healing, hypnosis and regression, Energy Healing, The Health Cure since 2009, Ayahuasca Medicine, DMT, Shaman, Nature, Grounding, Earthing, www.thehealthcure.org, Dogs, Cats, Horses, All Pets, Endocannabinoids System, Alzheimer, phoenix-tears, Liver Cancer Stage 4, Energy, Qi Gong, shaman, Sage, shamanic healing, Ayahuasca, Healing Plants

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