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3 Years Later – Cannabis Saved My Dog

Tino, from Peace, Love & Pit Bulls has a 13-year-old pitbull named Shorty. Tino has made a few videos to show Shorty’s recovery from lymphoma cancer. Tino created this video to share with everyone that it was 3 years ago to the day, that Shorty was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. At the time of Shorty’s diagnosis, it was such an extreme case and cancer had traveled all over her body, that resulted in Shorty having only 8 weeks to live.

Three years later, and Shorty is still living. Tino said that it is all thanks to Cannabis oil. Shorty didn’t go through chemotherapy. She was given prednisone which Tino weaned off her a month into taking CBD oil. Tino takes out a paper from the vet, which stated the date in which she was diagnosed, and the diagnosis itself. It was dated the 14th of March 2015, and the diagnosis was “Microscopic findings: Lymphoma, intermediate to high grade”. Shorty went for a check-up at the vets, and the vet stated: “shorty’s blood work didn’t look like a dog who had lymphoma cancer”.

Shorty was given cannabis oil containing THC and CBD. Tino has two syringes, one with CBD and one with THC which is given to Shorty at night time which helps fight cancer. During the day Shorty is given tinctures. Tino explains that dosing can range from anywhere, as you have to take into consideration your height, weight, the severity of the illness etc. Shorty was given three tinctures a day.

Tino also read The Dog Cancer Survival Guide by Dr.Demian Dressler which helped Tino stay positive throughout Shorty’s treatment, this helped Tino to give Shorty a better diet while fighting cancer, and it also helped Tino stay positive throughout the treatment, as dogs are able to pick up on our energy.

tags; Medicinal Marijana, Cannabis Oil, THC Oil, CBD Oil, Rick Simpson, Phoenixtears, Run From The Cure, The Health Cure, CB1, CB2 Receptors, Cannabis Cures Cancer, Epileptic, Seizures, Skincancer, Alzheimer, Glaucoma, www.thehealthcure.org, Cure for pets

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