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You Can Beat Cancer...Naturally!" By DR. MICHAEL JOHNSON

You Can Beat Cancer...Naturally!" By

Dr. Michael L. Johnson and he is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist. He want to tell you right up front, You Can Beat Cancer – yes, you can and his book, You Can Beat Cancer…Naturally!, was released on October 12, 2012.

His goal with every cancer patient is to get to the cause!  You really need to get down to the nitty-gritty. So what is the cause?  The cause could likely be a poor or improperly functioning immune system. If you watch my main Cancer, he explains how there are two parts to your immune system, TH1 and TH2, and they have to be in balance.  He also describe all of the health breakers: inflammation; autoimmune disorders, blood glucose issues, anemia, and many others. The cancer patient has usually been sick for a long time with these “health breakers” and now, they have a new label…CANCER!  He would highly recommend that you study the video a few times because there is a lot of information that he shares with you!

If you suffer from any type of cancer, the bottom line is that you want to balance or improve your immune system, detoxify your body and decrease the inflammation in your body. We all have cancer in our bodies BUT our immune system nips it in the bud.  That is if you have a healthy functioning immune system. He have never been diagnosed with cancer but there are cancer cells in our body, and our immune system destroys them before they can develop into full-blown cancer. Does that make sense? Because that is how it works.

You can ask, “What causes a poor, or improperly functioning immune system?”  In a word…toxins.   If you go to his Maximum Healing video series, He describe in detail our toxic overload. Let us cover the different types of toxins briefly here…there are EMFs or electromagnetic fields from televisions, computers, and cell phones. You receive EMFs every time that you go to the grocery store and the automatic doors open and the cashier scans your items.  There are silver amalgams in our dental work where mercury is leaching out of the filling and into our body. He have had all of his amalgam fillings removed as has everyone in his family. He doesn't want cancer!!!

There are household chemicals, cleaners, detergents that contain toxins that adversely affect our body. If you have a local dry-cleaner that you use weekly or monthly, there are many toxic chemicals in your clothing. There are chemicals in our carpets, furniture, mattresses and in our cookware.  Have you ever heard of Teflon? It is not good for you because it’s toxic. Remember the WearEver cookware?  It is all aluminum and it’s not good for you because it’s toxic. There are pesticides and herbicides in our lawn and on our food. He no longer use the lawn service that he had two or three years ago, because it was all chemicals. He now use a local organic lawn company.  Granted, his yard does not look as nice, but so what? He would rather not have cancer.

As you will see on his videos, “what you see is what you get!”  He is walking the talk. His family and he only consume organic food because in our food supply, there are hormones, antibiotics and other medications. He practice in Appleton, WI and a while back, there was a huge controversy in our state over the use of bovine growth hormone in dairy products.  That is when his family and himself stopped using dairy.  Gluten, dairy and soy are three of the biggest causes of inflammation in the body and if you add in rBGH, it is a toxic mix that he want to avoid. GMO or genetically modified food and hybridized food rob the body of energy.  Other toxins are possible issues with mold, especially black mold,  and one of the doctors that he teach almost died from toxic black mold exposure.  Then there is plastic. Whoever heard of BPA until a few years ago when they said it is toxic? And now they are telling us that it is everywhere not just in plastic bottles! How about personal care products? How many women use make-up that is loaded with toxins?

Please, he implores you, do your own research, look on the internet and find out for yourself.  Deodorant is another issue. He stopped using deodorant with aluminum in it a long time ago. He now use a product from Premier Research Labs. He use their deodorant it is something called Ozene Gel.  Please, he implore you, do your own research, look on the internet and find out for yourself. You do not have to believe a word he say, check it out for yourself.  His only goal with all of his videos is to educate.  Deodorant is another issue.

Again, no one is ever cancer free. When he say you can BEAT cancer, he is saying that your immune system has run amuck, it is not working properly, and as a result you can get it back in balance and THAT is what is going to give you your greatest chance at healing!  he is telling you that it is your innate ability to heal!  It is your own body that heals. When you cut yourself or when you have surgery, it is not the ointment, or the gauze or the dressing that heals the cut; it is your own innate body or your innate intelligence that does the healing. Right now, at this very second, you are not telling your liver how to work. You are not telling your stomach how to digest your food. You are not telling your pancreas how much insulin to secrete, because you just had a chocolate chip cookie. That is what he mean by an innate ability to HEAL. We all have cancer cells in our body like circulating tumor cells and cancer stem cells, but our immune system nips it in the bud before it can develop into full-blown cancer. What do you need to do? You need to detoxify your body, decrease the inflammation in your body, and increase the function of your immune system.

Source: Youtube, www.drjnaturalcancersupport.com
The Health Cure, December 14 2016

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